Using pandoc markdown to write a text book - I came across a table from Wikipedia I wanted to include.

--------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------
@yearly    Run once a year at midnight of January 1st         ```0 0 1 1 *```
@monthly   Run once a month, midnight 1st day of the month.   ```0 0 1 * *```
@weekly    Run once a week at midnight on Sunday morning      ```0 0 * * 0```
@daily     Run once a day at midnight                         ```0 0 * * *```
@hourly    Run once an hour at the beginning of the hour.     ```0 * * * *```
@reboot    Run at startup.                                       @reboot
--------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------


But using Pandoc markdown syntax on Windows (you need to use the MiKTeX Latex PDF engine) causes a crash when encountering @yearly. Or so I thought. When I changed the code to look like this no crashing:

Entry Description Equivalent to
--------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------
&#64;yearly    Run once a year at midnight of January 1st         ```0 0 1 1 *```
&#64;monthly   Run once a month, midnight 1st day of the month.   ```0 0 1 * *```
&#64;weekly    Run once a week at midnight on Sunday morning      ```0 0 * * 0```
&#64;daily     Run once a day at midnight                         ```0 0 * * *```
&#64;hourly    Run once an hour at the beginning of the hour.     ```0 * * * *```
&#64;reboot.   Run at startup                                       &#64;reboot
--------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------


The @ sign is a reserved LaTeX word and causes a crash. The solution is to use the HTML ascii code for an @ sign which is: &amp;&#35;64&#59; which will render correctly as ascii and unconfuse the LaTeX compiler and remove the error.