Pandoc error - Argument of \Paragraph has an extra }
I am currently writing a textbook. In doing so I choose to use Markdown. The book is located on Github you can download this and build the book yourself. This book is being used for a class is hard enough, I am using a flavor of Markdown called Pandoc for my choice to produce PDF, ePub, html, docx, and mobi (Kindle)
There are differences and trade offs trying to take a common markdown code base and publish it to different formats. Currently I don’t have a feature parity between both formats they both have extra items the other one doesn’t.
Recently I reinstalled Pandoc with MikTeX for Windows and BasicTeX for Mac, and a deb package for texlive for Ubuntu 16.04. These packages are needed to turn Pandoc markdown into PDFs via a LateX library.
Installing the latest version of Pandoc 1.17.1 and running my build script to produce a PDF all of a sudden generated this error…
Oh no… this error is not very helpful as I have 13 chapters worth of material, what could be causing this error? It could be anywhere! I did what any good detective did, I removed each chapter 1 by 1 and rebuilt the PDF trying to narrow down where the error is by process of elimination.
I went all the way down - stripping all the chapters out but one. That was the title page. The file titlesec.tex is a LaTeX style formatting command to generate a title page and also make sure that each new chapter starts on its own page. This worked for the entire last year using this command line option:
Here is the full code that throws the error:
pandoc --toc -V geometry:margin=1in --number-sections --include-in-header ./title/titlesec.tex -s -o ./output/pdf/Understanding-the-Technology-and-Philosophy-of-Linux-Part-I-$STAMP.pdf ./Chapter-01/ ./Chapter-02/ ./Chapter-03/ ./Chapter-04/ ./Chapter-05/ ./Chapter-06/ ./Chapter-07/ ./Chapter-08/ ./Chapter-09/ ./Chapter-10/ ./Chapter-11/ ./Chapter-12/ ./Chapter-13/ ./Chapter-14/ ./Chapter-15/ ./Appendix-A/ ./Appendix-B/ ./Appendix-C/
Strange… The quick fix for this error was to remove the offending line of code:
--include-in-header ./title/titlesec.tex
Replacing it with this line:
-V documentclass=report
Which then generates the expected PDF – compare the difference below: